Jan Hajto Anteriores Pdf 11
These are high quality polyurethane Models of the original cases presented in the anteriores picture atlas (the black book). All 42 upper models and 5 of the lower models are included. All models are hand made and cast from the master models. The models can be used to study and practice tooth morphology, as templates for manual copying or to fabricate wax or composite preforms with the help of a silicone matrix. Also ideal for patient communication.
jan hajto anteriores pdf 11
This is a selection from the complete anteriores set. The shapes were selected by Master Paulo Kano, inventor of the SKIN concept, as best suited for the SKIN protocol (former SKYN).The models are used to fabricate ultra thin composite shells which then are used for set-ups on models or mock ups in the mouth.The shapes correspond to these anteriores shapes:F1, F2, F6, F7, F8, F31, F11, F17, F26, M5, M6, M7. 076b4e4f54